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Pictures in Cazale-Animals

Cazale is home to a wide range of animals, which play a crucial role in the lives of its residents. Not only are these creatures a source of food, but they are also utilized for labor in the region.

Cows: They are primarily raised for their meat and milk.

Pigs: Pigs are another common animal in Cazale. They are raised for their meat, which is a staple food in the area.

Chickens: Chickens are raised for their eggs and meat. They are an important source of protein for the people of Cazale.

Turkeys and ducks: In Cazale their eggs are purchased to use in home remedy treatment for illness. They also are used for meat.

Goats and Sheep: Goats are used for their milk, meat and skin in the Cazale area. Sheep are a fairly new animal that are just for meat.

Donkeys, horses and mules: They commonly used as working animals. They help transport goods, and perform other tasks necessary for daily life in the community.

Animals are an essential part of life for the villagers in Cazale, Haiti. They rely on them for a variety of reasons, including food, transportation, and income. Cows, goats, and chickens provide a source of protein through their meat, milk, and eggs. Additionally, the animals can be sold in the market for money, which is a crucial source of income for the villagers. In terms of transportation, donkeys and horses are used to carry heavy loads, such as water, crops and charcoal these loads would be difficult for humans to transport. Overall, the animals play a vital role in the daily lives of the villagers in Cazale, and their importance cannot be overstated.

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