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Staff Perspectives

Told by staff member Genise

This story is very sad but it has love in it as well. There was a child named Berto. He was not from the area of Cazale. He lived back in the mountain in a small village. One day (for a reason we have not learned or been told) Berto’s mom took a big rock and hit him in the head with it. She took him to someone near her home and they suture the wound. The skull was cracked and indented but nothing further was done medically for this wound. After a few days it became infected. His family waited several more days and then brought him to the clinic. His wound was something that I have never seen before. Puss was running down the sides of his head and you could see the broken bone inside his head. The roads were blocked and getting to another hospital was impossible. We worked with him giving him medications and caring for him waiting for the roads to open up. He began to heal. He began to walk again. He began to eat. We all know here that God performs miracles but I really believe this was a true miracle that he lived. Once he was healed he told the truth that his mom has caused the injury. An uncle that lives her in Cazale took him into his home and has been raising him since then.

His story is painful but God has taught us many lessons through his healing and life. I want to thank God for this miracle and to thank the staff that I work with at RHFH.

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