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Staff Spotlight Yvrose

I want to tell you a little about myself. When I was a child I was severely burned on my chest and neck. I was able to stay at the Rescue Center for several months to get daily dressing changes and wound care. It was a very painful time in my life but now I am an adult and healed. I have been living in the Cazale area for several years now. I moved into my brothers house. Both of my parents, my grandmother, brother and nephew live in the home. I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters. I do not have any children of my own.

I love working with children. I love to give them affection and spend time with them. I have not worked her long but really enjoy those that I work with and the children. The work is hard many days, but it brings me joy to see a child return home with their family. I like to feed the children their meals and help give them baths. They love the cool water because it is hot most days here in Haiti. I also enjoy play time with the children. They love the colorful toys that make noise the most. It brings me joy to see them laughing and playing.

The work also helps me in my life financially. I am able to care for myself now and also help my family with needs that they have. I can also now help others that are in need around me. I enjoy living in the village of Cazale. It is a calm area that has a river running through it. This allows us to always have water. I am also glad that I can live near my family. I am a christian and attend the Nazreen church here in the village. I would ask that you pray for to to be able to continue to advance in my life and have good health.

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