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Cazale photos-irrigation ditches

Every year, during the dry season, the local community uses the irrigation ditches in the area to water their gardens. . These ditch is important because it moves water from the river to the land, helping plants grow. Without this water the gardens would not be able to grow. However, before they can use this water, people have to clean the ditch. It gets blocked with soil and trash when it rains, stopping the water from flowing.

During the rainy season, they don’t need to water the land because the rain does it. But once it stops raining, they have to clear the ditch again for the water to flow. Anyone who wants to water their land with this ditch needs to help make or maintain it. If they can’t do it themselves, they pay someone else to do it. This ditch waters a lot of fields, but sometimes water gets wasted. This happens because the soil in some areas is bad, and the water can’t flow properly, leaving some fields dry.

A group called GVADK saw this problem and decided to help. They made parts of the ditch out of concrete where water was getting wasted. This stopped the water from being wasted and allowed more land to get watered. People were really happy with this project because they didn’t have the means to fix the problem themselves. GVADK’s work helped everyone who uses the ditch to water their gardens.

Jeremiah 17:8

They will be like a tree planted by the water
    that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
    its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
    and never fails to bear fruit.”

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