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Villagers View-Kaliblan

In the heart of Cazale lies a vibrant and close-knit community known as Kaliblan. A place where leadership is communal, and the spirit of togetherness is a part of every aspect of life. Here, everyone is family, and together, they craft solutions to their challenges, embodying the true essence of unity.

Agriculture is the backbone of Kaliblan, with most residents dedicating their lives to farming beans, corn, and notably, watermelons. This small area, tucked away from the main road, thrives on the cultivation of roots, grains, and the rearing of goats, cows, and chickens. It is known as a very peaceful area.

But what truly sets Kaliblan apart is its vibrant sports culture. The area is renowned for hosting soccer games, a tradition that has grown alongside the community itself. These games are not just competitions; they are celebrations of youth, energy, and camaraderie. Every afternoon, the youth gather to play, their laughter and cheers echoing into the evening when the entire community, adults and children alike, come together to witness the games. From a land with no houses to a bustling hub of activity, soccer has been a constant companion through Kaliblan’s growth.

The social life in Kaliblan is rich and deeply rooted in tradition. When illness strikes, the Real Hope for Haiti (RHFH) is where most go to for help as it offers round the clock care. Childbirth is a communal affair, often taking place at home or under the watchful eyes of birth attendants, celebrating the arrival of new life in the warmth of the community. And in death, the community comes together once more in a night of remembrance, music, and togetherness.

Architecture in Kaliblan is a mix of resilience and tradition, with homes constructed from cinder block and tin roofs, while others boast of rocks and clay, standing as a testament to the resourcefulness of its people. The majority of residents find spiritual solace at the Church of God, a place that echoes the community’s faith and unity. Despite the absence of schools or voodoo temples, the spirit of learning and cultural richness flows freely, passed down through generations.

Kaliblan may be small, but its heart is vast. Away from the hustle of the main road, it offers a slice of life where community, tradition, and joy intertwine, creating a tapestry of experiences that bind the residents not just as neighbors, but as a family.

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