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Staff Perspectives

Staff story told my Merina

Wiselie was admitted to the nutrition center twice within nine months due to severe malnutrition. Upon her arrival, I noticed Wiselie’s significant swelling, particularly around her feet, and it was heartbreaking to hear her constant crying.

As a staff member at the nutrition center, it’s my responsibility to care for children like Wiselie and aid in their recovery. I made it my mission to provide her with love and special care every day, understanding that every small act of kindness could significantly impact her healing process.  Our medical team collaborated to create a personalized treatment plan for Wiselie, which included a nutrient-rich diet designed to help her gain weight and recover her strength. We must start out slowly and keep adding to her diet.  This takes time and patience.

Over time, I witnessed Wiselie’s transformation. His cheeks began to fill out, his skin regained its healthy glow, and she became increasingly lively. Seeing his smile brought me great joy and happiness. It also motivates me to continue working with these very sick children. Thanks to the tireless efforts of the nutrition center’s staff and Wiselie’s family’s engagement, she fully recovered. Her health progressively improved, allowing her to return home in good condition. This achievement was a source of great pride for us all, affirming that our efforts had been successful. Since this was her second time at the center, we had to work closely with her mom to ensure that she came for each of her appointments.  She will come once a month for at least a year to make sure she remains healthy and that her weight stay within the normal range.  When I see a child recover and go home it makes me happy.  When I see a child remaining healthy and their parents coming to make sure they stay on track it gives me great pride to be a part of their life story.  I am happy that I have the job that I do and get to see these miracles of recovery.

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