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Recipe-Akra (a special fried food)

Akra is a delicious recipe made with a root vegetable called malanga. To know when malanga is ready for harvest, wait for its leaves to yellow about 3 to 5 months after planting. Once harvested, malanga can be used in various dishes. In Haiti, Akra is a liked dish, typically served at special occasions like parties and weddings, or enjoyed by those who can afford to make it regularly, perhaps on a Sunday. While it’s available in some restaurants and from street vendors, not all places offer it due to the high cost of malanga and the ingredients needed for the dish.

The ingredients for Akra include malanga, chicken, onions, spices, and peppers.

Start by peeling and washing the malanga. If you have a blender, blend it; if not, grate it.

Then, season and boil your meat. Without a blender, the cooked meat should be crushed and mixed with the seasoned with spices.

Next you take the grated malanga, chicken and chopped up onions and peppers and mix them together.

To cook, heat oil in a pan and spoon the mixture into the hot oil, shaping it as desired. Fry for 5 to 10 minutes until golden. Akra can be enjoyed by itself or with additional fried foods.


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