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Journey to Recovery – Ti Pilon (broken leg)

In Casale, a small village known for its close-knit community, lived Ti Pilon, a 32-year-old craftsman devoted to his craft of making wooden drums and pestles. Known affectionately by his nickname, Ti Pilon, which means “Little Pestle,” he has, for 13 years, poured his heart and soul into creating these tools, a testament to his dedication and skill. His life took a dramatic turn one day, showing the fragility of life and the incredible strength of human resilience and community support.

One day, Ti Pilon’s routine search for the perfect wood—a process involving traveling to remote locations and sometimes buying trees—ended in a tragic accident. A sudden gust of wind caused a tree he was cutting to fall unpredictably, severely injuring him and caused him to fall off a cliff. In a remote area, far from immediate help, Ti Pilon faced a life-threatening situation. Miraculously, he mustered the strength to climb back to the road, where he called for help.

The community’s response was immediate and heartwarming. Those present, understanding the gravity of his injuries, took quick action, carrying him to the clinic, an hour’s walk away, where he was cared for in the RHFH clinic. Rumors of his demise had already begun to spread. The severity of his condition was evident upon arrival. While nurses and staff worked to stabilize and transport him, our chaplain spoke with him and prayed with him. Ti Pilon experienced a profound transformation. He did not want to die without Jesus in his life. This marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life.

The road to recovery for Ti Pilon was steep, necessitating surgery for his broken leg—a procedure well beyond his financial means. It was here that the true spirit of RHFH supporters shone brightly, as the staff, moved by compassion, decided to utilize emergency funds to cover his medical expenses. This offered Ti Pilon a second chance at life. It also enabled him to start anew, embracing faith, forsaking harmful habits, and recommitting himself to his family.

Ti Pilon’s journey of healing is a reminder of the power of community and the impact of collective effort in the face of adversity. From the donors who generously contribute to the emergency fund, ensuring that individuals like Ti Pilon can receive life-saving care, to the nurses, doctors, and transportation teams who work tirelessly to provide medical assistance, each played a pivotal role in his recovery. The support of his community, friends, and family offered strength and hope during the most challenging times.

Ti Pilon’s gratitude towards God, for the gift of life and the opportunity for redemption, is evident. He extends his heartfelt thanks to the RHFH staff, whose decision to intervene saved his life, offering him a chance to change his life for the better. Furthermore, he acknowledges the donors, whose financial support not only facilitated his healing but also are important for others in dire situations. The emergency fund is saving lives and alleviating suffering.

This journey to recovery is more than just the story of one man’s battle for survival; it is a testament to the strength of the human spirit, the importance of community, and the transformative power of compassion and care. Ti Pilon’s journey underscores the significance of each contribution, no matter how small, in weaving the fabric of a support system that can uplift individuals in their darkest hours, offering them a chance at a renewed life. There is no place the light of God’s love cannot reach.

As we reflect on Ti Pilon’s story, let us remember the value of our collective efforts and the impact they can have on individuals facing life-threatening challenges and needing salvation. Through our contributions, whether as donors, healthcare professionals, or simply members of a caring community, we have the power to make a difference, to ease suffering, and to point people to Jesus, just as we did for Ti Pilon.

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