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Can you help with our May needs?

In these challenging times, the kindness of the people shines brightest when we come together to support those in need. We continue to face obstacles, but with your help, we can overcome them and continue our mission of providing vital medical care to those who need it most.

Since the beginning of March, the closure of airports has hindered our ability to receive essential supplies. However, we are heartened to share that things are starting to open up, and packages are once again beginning to move. Despite the progress, the journey to receive these supplies is difficult, with long distances to travel, high customs fees, and the persistent threat of insecurity and gang activity.

The closure of other clinics and hospitals has resulted in an increase in our patient load, with the difficulty of cases also on the rise. The lack of fuel and funds makes it challenging for people to travel to us, causing many to wait until their situation becomes dire before seeking treatment. Consequently, illnesses often progress beyond manageable stages, presenting greater challenges for our dedicated staff.

Nevertheless, amidst these obstacles, the needs of our community remain significant, and we know many of you are eager to extend your support. Our needs list provides a practical way for you to contribute directly to the treatment of patients, support our staff, and demonstrate your compassion for the Haitian people. While we haven’t been able to receive items for a few months, the list has grown.

We invite you to look through our Amazon wish list and consider purchasing and sending items that will make a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve. Your generosity will provide much-needed supplies that are impossible/difficult to buy in Haiti or lack good quality.

When making your purchase, please use the following address:

Lori Moise CAP #13294 Agape Flights 100 Airport Ave Venice, FL 34285

Your donation will travel alongside other supplies for missionaries on the Agape Flights plane, which arrives once a week. These supplies will undergo customs clearance before reaching us. We will cover the cost of shipping from FL and associated fees, ensuring that your contribution reaches us safely and efficiently.

From there, your purchase will embark on a journey through long roads and mountains to reach Cazale, where we will utilize and distribute these wonderful items to those who need them most.

We are deeply grateful for your kindness, compassion, and ongoing support. Your gift will make a direct and meaningful impact on the lives of countless individuals in Haiti, bringing hope where it is needed most. Thank you for being a part of our mission to make a positive difference in the world.

printable PDF:  2024-05 Needs List

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