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Nourishing Lives, One Food Parcel at a Time

You are welcomed to consider giving to our June fundraiser for Real Hope For Haiti, where every $10 you donate monthly helps provide supplemental food parcels to those in dire need. Today, we want to share with you the transformative impact your generosity can have on the lives of the underserved in Haiti.

The Heart of Real Hope For Haiti
Real Hope For Haiti was founded with the launching scripture of Isaiah 58:7,

Share your food with everyone who is hungry;
share your home with the poor and homeless.
Give clothes to those in need;
don’t turn away your relatives.

Over the years, God has enabled Real Hope For Haiti to serve through various initiatives, including medical care, education, spiritual encouragement, community development, and disaster relief. The feeding programs, outpatient clinics, malnutrition centers, and cholera treatment centers have preserved communities. Meanwhile, evangelism, discipleship, and public health education efforts have inspired hope and change.

A Lifeline: The Supplemental Food Parcel Program
For the past 20 years, our supplemental food parcel program has been a vital source of nourishment for the most vulnerable in a 10-mile radius around Cazale, Haiti. Our mission is simple: to provide supplemental food aid to those in need. Each food parcel contains $6 of rice and $4 of beans, providing 16 meals a month. This modest package delivers essential nutrients, helping maintain health and well-being.

Who We Serve
Currently, our program supports 107 individuals, including:
-52 children who graduated from our rescue center
-16 individuals with disabilities
-14 impoverished individuals
-12 children who graduated from our infant formula program
-6 widows
-3 people living with HIV
-2 orphans
-1 malnourished adult
-1 tuberculosis patient

Only 9 out of these 107 individuals are sponsored, leaving 98 people in urgent need of support. For just $10 a month, you can sponsor a food parcel that will significantly improve someone’s life.

The Impact of Your Support
Your $10 monthly donation not only provides food but also brings a host of benefits:
*Free monthly medical consultation
*Improved health and well-being
*Increased activity levels and ability to care for oneself and others
*Maintenance of health and weight gain
*Decreased stress and comfort from knowing someone cares and they have food
*Reduction in hunger
*Free medical care with free medications
*Free chronic illness management, including decreased blood pressure
*Detection and management of diseases through free screenings and lab work
*Prayer support and encouragement

Elsie’s Story
Hi, my name is Elsie, and I’m 10 years old. I lived with my family in Robinaud, a small town that’s a three-hour walk from the clinic. My parents are farmers, and they work really hard to take care of us. A while ago, I started feeling really sick and had a bad cough that wouldn’t go away. When we went to the clinic, the doctor said I had tuberculosis. This meant I couldn’t go to school anymore, and we had to move closer to the clinic so I could go to my regular check-ups.

Every month, my parents have to take me about a 1.5-hour drive to the SADA clinic in Arcahaie to get the medicines I need. I also go to the RHFH clinic every month for a check-up and for a food parcel. This helps us a lot, especially when we don’t have much food at home. I’m really thankful for this support because it gives us hope even when things are tough. I want to say thank you to God and to everyone who helps take care of us. Your support means so much to us in our fight against this disease.

Ashley’s Story
At the age of 5, Ashley lives with her grandmother and brother. Her life took a tragic turn just seven days after her birth when her mother passed away. For Ashley’s grandmother, losing her daughter was heart-wrenching, especially considering Ashley was only a few days old. Despite this hardship, Ashley’s grandmother and father joined forces to care for her.

However, after two years spent with Ashley, her father decided to visit his family, who lived far from their neighborhood. Since then, Ashley and her grandmother have never heard from him again. Determined, Ashley’s grandmother took on the sole responsibility of raising the little girl.

Together, they faced each challenge, supporting each other along the way. Ashley’s grandmother accompanied her to the clinic, where they found valuable support. Ashley was admitted to the infant milk program, ensuring she received the nutrition she needed to thrive. As she grew, the clinic transferred her to the rice box program, ensuring her regular monitoring and optimal development.

Every month, Ashley and her grandmother attend their appointments at the clinic together. The professionals who follow them are delighted to see how Ashley blossoms. Despite the challenges she has faced, she has become a beautiful little girl with a radiant smile, a symbol of resilience and hope.

How You Can Help
Your generosity can make a world of difference. Here’s how you can set up a recurring donation to support our supplemental food parcel program:

Donation Options
1. Paypal: Set up a recurring donation through Paypal by using this link.
2. Website Form: Fill out the form on the top of our website page to set up a donation via Blackbaud.
3. Online Banking: Use your bank’s bill pay system to set up a recurring payment and have a check mailed to us at RHFH, 15215 Endeavor Drive, Noblesville, IN 46060.

Transparency and Trustworthiness
Our program has been serving those in need for over 20 years. We conduct financial aid interviews and collect references to ensure each beneficiary qualifies for the aid and your donation is used effectively. Your $10 gift each month provides 16 meals, decreases hunger, and increases nutrient and vitamin consumption, significantly improving the quality of life for the beneficiaries.

Join Us in Making a Difference
To sponsor a food parcel for a family, set up a recurring donation of $10 every month through Paypal, the website form, or your bank’s bill pay system. Your support will provide vital nourishment and hope to those who need it most.

We encourage you to share this blog post within your networks. Our goal is to get 98 more food parcels sponsored, and with your help, we can achieve this.

From all of us at Real Hope For Haiti, thank you for your compassion and generosity. Together, we can nourish lives and bring hope to those in Haiti. Your gift of $10 a month can offer sustenance, health, and the priceless gift of hope. Join us in making a difference today.

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