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Staff Spotlight-Fritho

Meet Fritho: A Dedicated Team Member at RHFH

Hello, my name is Fritho. I have been working on and off with Real Hope for Haiti (RHFH) since December 2016. Over the years, I have taken on various roles and responsibilities here. At one point, I was in charge of digging graves and arranging the burials for those who passed away in the Rescue Center or the clinic, including overseeing the construction of caskets. In recent years, my work has primarily been at the Cholera Treatment Center. I manage the gate, welcoming vehicles and speaking with those who are sick and seeking help. I also assist in the yard with cleaning, carrying boxes, and helping families of patients find food and supplies. Sometimes, I even lend a hand to the nurses, helping lift patients when needed.

Both of my parents have passed away, and I have no siblings. I have two children and live by myself in a two-room home. Despite these challenges, I take great pride in my work. I strive to treat everyone with respect and kindness, always doing my best to welcome people warmly. My work at RHFH is very important to me. It allows me to pay for my children’s education and take care of myself. I am also able to help others in need, which brings me joy. Living in Cazale is a blessing because it is a community where everyone helps each other.

I do wish that Cazale could have a strong leader who truly cares for the people. Nevertheless, I am grateful to be part of RHFH, where we help others with the love of Jesus. As a Christian, I attend the local Adventist church here in Cazale. I kindly ask for your prayers that God would continue to give me strength, health, and courage to carry on with my life and work. Thank you for your support and for being part of this community.

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