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The importance of Infant Formula at RHFH

At our Rescue Center, the well-being of our children is important to us. For children in our care who are seriously malnourished, infant formula is vital for their survival, especially for that that are to young to eat medika mamba. Many of these children arrive at our center in a fragile state, and immediate, proper nutrition is crucial for their recovery. Infant formula provides a balanced mix of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals that help these vulnerable children regain their health and strength.

At 18 months, children at the Rescue Center transition from infant formula to powdered milk or other liquid milk. This switch marks an important milestone in their development, as their nutritional needs evolve with their growing bodies. We carefully monitor this transition to ensure that each child continues to receive the necessary nutrients for healthy growth.

We also use infant formula for children who have tragically lost their mothers during childbirth. These infants, who come to our clinic, are enrolled in a program where they receive infant formula until they are 18 months old. This program ensures that they get the necessary nutrition to thrive in the absence of their mothers. Once they reach 18 months, they transition to our food box program for an additional six months, ensuring they continue to receive adequate nutrition as they grow.

We also use infant formula for children who have tragically lost their mothers during childbirth. These infants, who come to our clinic, are enrolled in a program where they receive infant formula until they are 18 months old. This program ensures that they get the necessary nutrition to thrive in the absence of their mothers. Once they reach 18 months, they transition to our food box program for an additional six months, ensuring they continue to receive adequate nutrition as they grow. Here is the story of Djounaylande, a child that is in our infant formula program.

After Djounaylande was born, she spent her first seven months surrounded by the love of her young parents. Tragically, her mother passed away from a respiratory illness, leaving Djounaylande without her mother at a young age. Without having breast milk, the clinic enrolled Djounaylande in a special infant formula program until she was 18 months old. This program provided the essential nutrients for her healthy growth. Following her mother’s passing, Djounaylande went to live with her maternal grandmother. Due to his circumstances, her father couldn’t care for her alone, but he remains actively involved in her life. Her grandmother regularly brings Djounaylande to visit him, maintaining their bond. Each month, Djounaylande’s family takes her to the clinic for check-ups. These visits ensure she stays healthy and continues to grow strong despite the challenges she has faced.


We are deeply grateful to our donors for their generous contributions, which make the infant formula program possible. Your support has been crucial in helping Djounaylande and other children in the Rescue Center thrive. Thank you for making a difference in their lives. Your kindness and generosity provide hope and health to those who need it most.

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