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RHA Kids

Friends our students considered “ Superpowers “ of their heroes of the Faith. Be blessed by their perspectives and share yours with us as well.

If I were to have a superpower, I would want the power of Paul, the power of commitment and loyalty. I would use it to become friends with believers and non-believers alike. To help them find their way again or find their way for the first time, but I would always be there for them and help them every way I can and let God do the rest.

My Faith Heros
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
These three Biblical heroes are known for their courageous act of refusing to give up worshiping God, even when it meant death. When they were thrown into the fire as punishment by the king, they did not burn up, but instead walked around unharmed inside the furnace with a fourth figure, someone sent down by God to protect them. If I could have a super power, I would want to have the ability to walk through fire like they did; to be able to not be harmed by flames.

My Superpower
If I were to have a superpower it would be Jesus’s power to help people and spread the word of God. I would either donate money to places that need it to help people or I could follow after my parents and become a missionary. I would make a channel about the word of God or I could visit persecuted countries and spread the word of God. That is what my superpower would be: to share the word and help people in need.


Noah had amazing superpowers that made him a true hero of faith in the Bible! His biggest superpower was his incredible ability to listen to God’s instructions and follow them no matter what. When God told him to build a huge ark to save his family and all the animals from a great flood, Noah didn’t hesitate. He worked each day, showing strength and patience, even when people around him did not believe him and made fun of him. Noah’s faith and trust in God were like a shield, protecting him and his family through the storm. His obedience and dedication were superpowers to me.

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