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Words from Gretchen~June 7 1994

A letter written by Gretchen to Lori and Licia in June of 1994 (about 6 months after moving to Haiti full time)

Dear L2,

Missionaries are leaving this place left and right, this will be good for you, you will get more mail! I wrote about 60 or 70 letters last week but am just writing to you girls and Mimi this week. There are always letters to write to so many people.

Well, here I am two hours later after several interruptions. The day is slipping away. Yesterday we got a new (to us)TV. It is 20” and colored. It is so wonderful and clear.  It is the best TV we have ever had. We are so blessed I’m watching Christian TV right now. It is like they are right here in the room with me. It belonged to another missionary that left Haiti and is only 2 years old. We also got a couple of lamps and fans from them as well. God is taking care of us like He always does. How about you? I was good to talk to you both the other night you sounded really good and happy. Keep going to church.  We got a few letters back this week.  I never know how people feel about the letters we send out as I do not hear back from many people.

Casey is having exams all this week at school. They had to move the testing up 2 weeks since everyone is leaving Haiti. Everyone is afraid they will not be able to get out at a later date.  There is a new place they are building near us called Christian Aid Ministries.  It is a big warehouse.  People went in last night and robbed them and stole a lot of building materials. The police came today and asked us questions and wanted us to be careful since there are robbing more bigger places. This is discouraging.

There are always so many needs to be met here.  There are so many in need everywhere you look.  It is hard at times to stretch funds to help those in most need.  But we are confident that God always provides. I continue to enjoy helping those that have minor burns that come each day for dressing changes.  Some walk for many miles to come.  I try to have a cold drink and some candy for the kids.  God is here I can feel Him and for that I am grateful! Love you girls.

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