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Words from Zach

Psalms 9:1-2

I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart;
I will tell of all Your marvelous works.
I will be glad and rejoice in You;
I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.

I will – Praise is an act of the will. It’s not just words, but a self indeed declaration of thanksgiving- a sacrifice. The praiser chooses to praise. We need to learn this about praise.

Do not wait until all conditions and circumstances are just right (good times).

Offer a thanksgiving of praise because God is worthy and it is right.

Psalms 18:3

I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised;

Praise springs forth from our fellowship with God and the joy His goodness towards us brings. His mercy, unfailing love is everlasting. His truth and faithfulness endures for generations. Praise expresses admiration, appreciation and thanks. We not only praise Him for what He does, His creation, His blessings, His forgiveness-but also for who is. He is loving, just, faithful, forgiving and patient. In what ways have you recently praised God or told others all that he has done for you?

Praise cures dry times, praise births victory, praise of unity produces power, praise stops the advancement of wickedness, praise glorifies God, praise is the doorway to the presence of GOd, praise is the road to success, praise releases blessings and satisfaction.

Teach your children to Praise God. Praise will open prison doors, praise will release the Spirit of prophecy, praise will bring deliverance, praise will bring healing, praise will bring salvation, praise will bring peace and rest, praise will bring you hope.

If you have God’s gift of life and breath, you should praise Him! Hallelujah! Praise Him or the rocks will praise Him!

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