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Words from Zach & Gretchen-June 22, 1994

A letter written to supports, family and friends on June 22, 1994

In a few days the airport is to be shut down and there are hundreds of rumors. We were living day by day, but now it seems we are living hour by hour. I know many wonder if we are coming out many have written and called advising us to leave. We have prayed and talked and talked and prayed again. As when we first made the decision to come to Haiti, we can’t listen to what people say; we just want to do the will of God for our lives. Through seeking Him we have decided to stay and continue the work he has called and chosen us to do.

Casey left June 18th and I tried to get Gretchen to go with him, but she said Haiti is her home and God sent her here on a mission. She said I couldn’t live one day without her as helpless as I am. I thank God for a Godly wife like Gretchen who is willing to give up everything for the sake of the gospel and be in one accord with her husband.

I also thank God for our three wonderful children who have also sacrificed much for the gospel. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful and supportive family. I don’t deserve the blessings God has so graciously poured out upon me. Sometimes I just sit and cry because God is so good. Many of you know how bad and lost in sin I was just 8 short years ago, and many of you have witnessed the transforming of an old sinner into a child of the most high God. This is real; we are going to spend eternity in heaven or hell. Choose this day whom ye will serve …. as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15. To God Be All the Glory! Hallelujah!

Shortages are everywhere and prices are skyrocketing. I really don’t know how the Haitian people are surviving. Most missionaries in the country are leaving and many feeding programs are being abandoned because they can’t exchange money to buy food for the programs . God has provided a way for us to continue . Hallelujah! God is good. Please keep praying for resources for our feeding program and wisdom in ministering them does the need increases.

The devil has really been fighting us on the well. We have found water but are having a time getting it out of the ground. There is no way to describe all that we have been through. It is one of those things where you would have to have been there to understand. Anyway, the bottom line is that we have 109 ft of 4-in PVC pipe in a 207 ft hole the fell. We are in the process of making a fishing tool to go down 100 ft to try to grab the pipe and pull it out. Please pray that we are able to correct all of this and get the water out of the hole and to the people. As I have said before in the natural, giving water is the best thing we can do for the Haitian people. Of course, in the spiritual, the greatest thing we can give is Jesus.

As I said Casey returned to America and will stay with his sisters. He is excited about seeing his friends and eating at McDonald’s Quarter Pounder and having a glass of “real” milk. He has adjusted well and has made many friends here. There’s all love him and want to talk to him. He has quickly learn the Creole language and can communicate very well with the people. Everytime he goes to the village he draws a crowd of children in a few minutes. God has blessed him so much and only God knows what this is preparing him for in life. It has been a wonderful education for him and I pray it helps him to become the man of God he is called to be. Amen!

Many have written or called asking what we need. I said before the most important need is prayer and believe me we can feel your prayers. Things to pray about are a peaceful solution to Haiti’s problems, funds for feeding program, wisdom to broaden and develop his ministry through us in Haiti, some faithful monthly supporters , strength to perform his work, protection, good health, finances for our children to finish their education.

Words cannot express our appreciation for all your prayers and words of encouragement. You will never know how much the letters and boxes you have sent mean to us. We are all family and we love each of you that way. We wish we could hug and thank each of you personally and someday we will – here or there or in the air! amen! May God richly bless you and may His Spirit of love and peace abound in your heart. Take some time to hug someone and tell them how much you love them today. Life is so short and valuable, don’t waste it. Hallelujah! Praise His name forever.

To God be all the glory

Davis and Gretchen Zachary

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