In 2015, the GVADK community development group wanted to start a new project. At the time, we were looking to expand our initiatives and decided to see if raising chickens could benefit our community. With this goal in mind, we built a two-room chicken coop and sought advice from others experienced in raising chickens.

After much consideration, we decided to start with chickens raised for meat rather than eggs. We purchased baby chicks along with the food and supplies needed to care for them. Every day, someone from the group faithfully visited the coop twice a day to feed them and ensure they had water and check in on them.

The chicks grew quickly, and once they were ready, we sold them in the local market. Sometimes we butchered the chickens and sold the meat directly, while other times, we sold the live chickens. This project continued for over a year, providing a valuable source of income for the group and teaching us important lessons about running a sustainable agricultural business.

Looking back on this project, it’s great to remember the hard work and dedication of the GVADK team.