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Staff Spotlight-Johanne

My name is Johanne, and I’ve been working at Real Hope for Haiti since December 2022. I’m married and have three wonderful daughters. My parents and siblings are all still alive, and I’m grateful for the family God has blessed me with. I live in a five-room cinder block home with a tin roof. We have a functioning kitchen and bathroom, but our area doesn’t have water access.

Each day, I come to work around 6 a.m. to begin preparing breakfast for the children in the Rescue Center and the patients staying in the clinic. Most days, I prepare about 35 to 40 meals. After breakfast, I wash dishes and start working on lunch, which is the biggest meal of the day. Once that’s served, I clean up again and begin dinner preparations. Dinner is stored in hot pots to keep it warm, and I usually finish work around 4 p.m.

I enjoy my work and love seeing the children eat, grow, and get healthier. It brings me joy to know I’m playing a part in their recovery. I’m also a Christian and attend church here in Cazale. My faith gives me strength and hope, especially during these difficult times in Haiti.

I ask that you pray for me—for safety for my family and for better days for our country. I’m thankful for RHFH and the impact it’s having in Cazale, helping so many children and families in need. It’s a blessing to be part of this work.

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