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Words from Gretchen

Dad is in town today picking up a medicine order. There are 5,000 iron pills, 5,000 Multivitamins, 8 gallons of liquid vitamins, 4 gallons of cough syrup, 5 gallons of liquid Tylenol and lost of other things. We should be stocked up for awhile. Next Sat the 28th we are having a Midwives conference. I’ve got to get to baking some cookies and making sandwiches. The last meeting we had 25 that were present. It is a good time to talk with those that are working in different areas to see what their needs are. I have not met one yet that uses gloves. They lack the basis materials. I am happy we can work together for me to learn from them and for I to be able to provides some basis supplies for them. It is such a good time for us all together.

Clinic is going well. We are still seeing lots of pregnant and newborn babies babies but have begun seeing some children. They are so small and skinny I feel like when I pick them up their bones are going to break. We are seeing 7 to 4 year old’s under 20 pounds. The sack of suckers have been a hit with all the children. Dad is going to try and get some cases of peanut butter in town so that we can give them out to the families. The stores here have peanut butter that is made right here in Haiti. I am hopeful he can find some of those in town.

The Compassion conferences will start back up for training next week. Then they will go for 6 weeks straight. It is a lot of work for everyone. There is a man that comes each day with a HUGE basket on his head selling bread. It is all bagged up in plastic bags and he brings all we need each day.

I hope you girls are doing well and we miss you!

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