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A letter from Gretchen

We occasionally want to share some old letters from Gretchen, our mom, to show you how the work was when we first started.  This letter of thanks to a supporter shows more of her heart than her work, but we trust that it will give you a glimpse of her passion for her Redeemer and His creation.  The 300 children that she speaks of are from a feeding program that later grew to 1500 children.  Some of these children (who are now young adults) still come and tell us beautiful stories of the love that she displayed to them during this time.  We say a HUGE THANK YOU to those of you that have supported us from the very beginning of our time here.  No day is easy, but they are all worth it.  To God be all the glory!


March 1995

“How blessed is he who considers the poor,
The Lord will deliver him in a day of trouble
he Lord will protect him, and keep him alive.”

-Psalm 41:1


Praise God!

We don’t know how it can get any better than this.  God is filling our hearts with such peace and joy.  It is such a blessing to be a blessing.  This is the way God intends for His people to be. Someone blesses someone else, then that someone blesses someone else and so on.  We wish everyone could and would experience the joy of giving.  It is so fulfilling and satisfying.  You have blessed us so we can be a blessing to someone else.  It is so beautiful when people learn God’s simple lesson of giving and receiving   It will bring such joy and happiness to their hearts and minds.  Hallelujah!  Amen!  We pray that because of your obedience in giving to our ministry that God pours out His blessings on your life and fills you to overflowing with joy unspeakable.

We are sitting here trying to come up with the words to describe some of the experiences that we are encountering.  It is a problem, because words cannot describe the destitute look in a person’s eyes that is starving to death, or the helplessness in their face of having no hope.  It is so heartwrenching that you can literally feel your insides tearing apart.  But then, when you reach out a hand of help and love, to see that face and eyes turn to a look of hope, it is more than a human heart can take without tears running down your face.

What a joy it is to see and hear the 300 children that might otherwise die, sing and praise God before they eat their only meal that day.  What a joy it will be, when you get to heaven, for all the children and people you have helped through us here in Haiti to come up to you and give you a hug and thank you for caring.

Well, praise God!  Hallelujah!  We feel like shouting and running a little Amen!  What a glorious day it will be when we all get together in heaven.  We can hardly wait.  Come quickly, Lord Jesus, come quickly.  As long as we are on earth, we need to be about the Father’s business.  Amen!  So much to do here and in America and all over the world.  God will get it done and we thank Him for allowing us the privileged of being a part of it.  Hallelujah!

Continue to be obedient in prayerfully and financially helping us as we fulfill the call of God on our lives.  May God richly bless you!







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