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Sponsorship needed for abandoned children

This need has been met!!!!  Thank you!!

Over the years here at RHFH we have had several children that have been abandoned in front of our gate or left inside the clinic yard.  When this happens we contact the local authorities  and let them decide the best steps to take in the individuals cases of these children.  We have been able to reunite several of these children with extended family members which has been great.  We currently have a hand full of  children that have been here for years that we have been unable to locate any family.  We have been trying to find an orphanage or center here in Haiti that they can be moved to, but every place we check is full with no opening in site.  After talking with several individuals around Haiti they have helped me to come up with a possible solution.  We want these children to have a stable family life, with a Haitian family.  We want them to feel love and know that they are important.  This is not easy in the current setting of the Rescue Center.  We have so many kids that are sick and recovering that the handicapped children do not get the individual time they need with a caregiver. We are not set up for long term care.  We want them to be able to play and be outside their cribs more, we want their caregiver to learn to take care of them well.  We want what is best for them.  We want more for them that we can offer with our set up at this time.

So the plan is to find families right here in Cazale that are willing to take these kids into their homes.  To raise them and love them like their own.  We will continue to work with them as needed and provided materials for them.  We are going to start out with three girls and see how that goes for now.  If that works well we will then continue with a few of the other children.

Let me introduce you the first three girls

Christina was abandoned in the clinic yard in 2010.  She is a very happy little girls that responds to those talking to her or playing with her.  She is unable to sit by herself, talk or walk.  She can roll from side to side. She eats and drinks well.  Christina currently already has  2 sisters that have been sponsoring her for awhile now.  We will just transfer those funds each month to the foster family. ~~already has a sponsor!!!!

Christina (427x640)

Jenny has been with us since 2010.  She was abandoned in the clinic yard.  She is a very active little girl.  She loves to laugh and play.  She is able to sit and scoot around by herself and can pull herself up to stand.  She has a club foot.  She eats and drinks well.  She does not talk but does make noise and squeals when she is happy.   We estimate her age to be 12 to 13.  We are currently looking for a sponsor for her.~has a sponsor!

Jenny May 20131 (640x427)

Geraldine was been with us since 2011.  She was brought by a man that said he was her father.  We have searched for him but the address he gave was a false address.  We are unable to locate any family members.  Geraldine cannot sit, stand or talk. She can roll from side to side.  She eat and drinks well. We estimate her age to be around 5 or 6.  We are currently looking for a sponsor for her.~has a sponsor!

Geraldine (640x427) (2)

The sponsorship would be a monthly fee of $125.00.  You would get monthly updates on your sponsored child to let you know how they are doing.  We plan to have staff visit them on a weekly basic to get check-ups and track their progress.

These girls desire a chance with a family of their own.  They were abandoned but that does not mean they are forgotten by many people that love them.  We are excited about this new chapter in their lives.

If you are interested in sponsoring one of these girls please contact me at  You can send your donation into out home office Real Hope for Haiti/P.O. Box 23/Elwood, IN 46036 or use the paypal button in the upper right hand corner of the website.  You can also click here to set up a monthly sponsorship through paypal.


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