Clinic Snapshots

The clinic works daily, caring for 30-300 people a day.  Here are a few common sights that you will see here.

Fanie educates each group of patients while they are waiting.

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Rigaud makes a chart for a newborn.

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Anel looks up and pulls old charts for patients.

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Mme Smith takes the blood pressure of a patient.

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Benita measures the fundal height to see if the pregnancy is progressing well.

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She also makes sure to check the fetal heart rate for each patient.

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Carole and Carmelite are helping a new education and do paperwork for a new patient.

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Eusaine inspects a small growth on a patient’s stomach.

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Yanick does a dressing change.

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Fanie records information about a patient that we referred to another facility.

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Dieura, Gina, and Sonite measure, count, package, and label medications.

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  1. Alissa says

    Thank you to all of you for how you are serving Christ there at the clinic!

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