March Wish List

Like to shop for great deals?  Look over our needs list and keep an eye out for these items. Let us know if you have a few things to send and we’ll give you an address of someone coming down soon that can carry them in.  Thanks!



  1. Brenda Carpenter says

    I have hanging file folders. Different colors. Does that matter? I can also get hand sanitizer.
    I would love to get more information about RHFH…about coming and holding hands, feed a child, love on God’s children. I am only a photographer…not a nurse nor a doctor but I have a heart for Haiti that beats very strongly.
    RHFH is prayed for daily.
    God bless all you do,
    Brenda Carpenter

  2. Lori says

    Brenda, I’ll email you the address and some info on volunteering here. Thanks! Lori

  3. Diane Shepherd says

    Was blessed to care for 2 Haitian children with Kwashiokers. Could you send info on volunteering with your organization? Prayers for your ministry.

  4. Pam Herring says

    I have some items on the list that I would like to send. Could you please put me in touch with someone in the Southern Illinois area?

  5. Jennie O'Rorke says

    I would like to provide some items on your list. Please email me the address of someone heading your way soon. Thank you.

  6. Licia says

    Just sent you an email.

  7. Licia says

    Just emailed you!

  8. Licia says

    Just emailed you!

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