Wademi and his family live about 3 hours away from the clinic. They live in an area where most make their living by farming. All farming is done by hand and is hard work in the hot sun. They plant beans, corn and pumpkins in their gardens. This season has been hard on them and those in their community. It has not been raining much and they all fear that they will not even make enough produce to pay back what they borrowed to use to plant.
He and his wife have had 5 children. They have lost 1 child as a newborn. The family lives in a 2 room home made of rocks, clay and tin. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet, not even an outhouse. The four remaining children are all alive but are beginning to lose weight. Wademi and his sister pictured above have both qualified to be in the medika mamba program. Wademi being the most fragile was admitted into our inpatient program with a 101 temp, diarrhea and a cold/cough. His sister will follow each week in our outpatient program and we are hopeful that she will gain weight as well. The
This is just one little guy in one village in Haiti. Many families all over the country are dealing with the same issues as Wademi’s family. They depend on their gardens to provide income for their homes for months at a time. One bad season can/will be devastating for these families. This papa walked 3 hours here and 3 hours back because he loves his kids and is in search of help for them. He told us that he has no idea what is going to happen in the coming months when things begin to get worse than they are now. He still has a little hope that the rains might begin to fall and some of the gardens might be able to produce something for the season.