Orilia is 32 years old and has been working for RHFH for since 2004. She has worked in a few different positions here at RHFH and currently works at the guesthouse cooking and cleaning. Orilia is a very easy going, loving woman who just wants to be helpful. She does anything that is asked of her with a smile. She loves to cook, clean and organize. She gets along with everyone and always makes her job enjoyable. She has lived in Cazale or its surrounding areas her entire life. Life hasn’t always been gracious to her, but it has never broken her spirit. She has had several miscarriages and given birth to a few babies, only to lose the them within a few days or weeks. She has a seven-month old daughter now named Chrisla. She is so grateful and asks for continued prayer for her health and safety. She is also grateful for the love and support that the RHFH staff has given her over the years during the hardest days of her life.
She enjoys working for RHFH and is grateful to have money to provide for herself and daughter. Her fiancé is currently living in Venezula selling ice cream in hopes to be able to send money back to her and his family. She appreciates that RHFH not only provides her with a job but that they also help to give encouragement to her and the people of her community. She believes that the clinic isn’t the only help RHFH provides, but that they know members of the community and help whenever they can to improve the lives of those around them. She feels as though working here has also taught her how to be more encouraging to others and makes her want to help others as much as she can financially or otherwise.