Peace that is personal, deep down within.

My friend Brett shared a blog post from Paul Tripp today and mentioned it was a useful reminder to him when he questions God’s goodness. As Briana wrote recently, the nature of our work here in Haiti can be deflating, confusing, and infuriating in the same moment. It is difficult to bear watching children suffer and die. This mind-numbing frustration can surface in any culture and any place. We live in a sinful, fallen world and are constantly reminded that things are not the way they are supposed to be.

I don’t have much commentary to add to the following quote from Tripp’s blog post. I believe it to be true that God is good. I know it to be true. I too frequently and too easily forget. What wonderful news for all of us. I was glad to share this encouragement with my wife Briana today, and I trust it refreshes and reminds you as well. It is as follows:

No matter how difficult and confusing life may be, no matter how unexpected and alarming your circumstances may be, there is rest to be found. This rest is not found in knowing the future, but the result of being adopted into the family of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

This deep, abiding rest of soul will stay with you when situations are wonderful and when they are terrible, because your rest isn’t circumstantial—it’s personal!

You can find the entire blog post from Paul Tripp here.





  1. Anna says


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