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Surgery for Monwensky!


Monwensky was admitted to our inpatient care facility with severe malnutrition and untreated club feet.  He has been eating his medika mamba each day and has graduated from the program.  He is now strong enough to be able to have surgery.  He has been to several hospital for evaluation for surgery.  One could not do the surgery, another asked $2,500US for the surgery and the final one he visited yesterday gave us a huge discount and he will be able to have surgery for around $250US!!!  This will include his hospital stay, medication, transportation and surgery.

We are so excited that he has this opportunity to be able to have his surgery and be able to walk and run!  If you would like to help out with the surgery you can send a check into our home office RHFH/15215 Endeavor Drive/Noblesville, IN 46060 please include a note letting us know it is for “Monwensky”.  Or you can use the paypal button below!  Thank so much and we will be sure to update with pictures after his surgery.

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