2 three pound babies


This week we had 2 three pound babies come into the clinic.

First is Tania.  Her mother was sick and on her way to a doctor in Port.  She started having labor pains in the truck.  In a few quick minutes she delivered Tania.  Tania was still enclosed in the sack of water from her mama.  So strange.  The family was tending to the mama and just thought the baby was dead.  Tania mom died in the back of a pick-up truck.  Tania’s grandmother saw the sack moving and yelled for help.  They cut the sack open and found Tania still alive.  They rushed her to a hospital in Port.  This hospital was not very nice.  They told the father if he left the hospital for even a minute they would take the baby away and put it up for adoption.  He was scared and tried to stay but ended up returning home with Tania as he did not want to loose his daughter.  She became ill with diar and vomiting.  They took her to another hospital and they tired and blew almost all her veins that could be used for an IV. 

Dr. Jen was able to get a IO line ( IV straight into the bone) in for her.  God seems to have Dr. Jen in the right place at the right time during her visits to Haiti.  He is so GOOD!  We contacted Dixie B. God’s Littlest Angels to see if they might take Tania and care for her.  They said they would.  We were worried that she would not make it through the night.  But she did!  They next morning, the main road from Cazale to Port was blocked.  We could not get Tania to Dixie.

A few hours later Francinia arrived with her aunt.  She was born several months early according to the aunt.  She also weighed 3 pounds.  So we called Dixie and she said she could take her as well.  Thank you Jesus!

The babies spent the night with our volenteers.  Debbie, who has visited RHFH several times, was also here.  Her son many years ago was born under 2 pounds!  She was able to help care for these two beautiful babies.  What a blessing to have all these extra handshere to help Lori out. 

We are so thankful to Lori, Dr. Jen and Debbie for their help with these two babies.  They arrived safely yesterday morning at GLA.  You can read about them here.


  1. Sarah from Canada says

    Oh my what little sweethearts! Thank you for everything you all do to help these little ones … God IS SO good!

  2. myabnormallife says

    Our hearts break for these children but rejoice that there are people like yourselves caring for them. God bless you and your mission. Thank you.

  3. Stephanie S says

    I read before that some people consider the child to be special or lucky if they are born in the sac. It’s very rare. What a great story to share 🙂

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