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New Admits to the Rescue Center


Queen was admitted with mild kwashiorkor, diarrhea and a cold.  Her parents are both young.  Her mama is still in school and her papa does construction work. They live together in a 1 room home that is made of tin and wood. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet, but do have an outhouse. They purchase all their drinking water and get other water from the irrigation ditch. The traveled 1 hour by motorcycle to arrive at the clinic. Queen was started on F-75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.


She was brought to clinic by her father.  She had been sick for 5 days with diarrhea.  He arrived during lunch break and asked a nurse for help.  Odna was dehydrated and not alert.  The staff began to give her Pedialyte to drink and within 30 minutes she was looking around more and seemed better.  Her mom and dad have 2 other children. They were all living together until December when the mom just up and left the family.  When he could not find her, he went to his mom’s house with the kids for help. Since she has not been breastfed for over a month she has the beginning signs of kwashiorkor.  Odna’s dad has a garden where he grows beans, corn and sweet potatoes. The family of 10 lives in a 2 room home made of cinder block and tin. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet, but do have an outhouse. They traveled 1 hour by motorcycle to arrive at the clinic. She was started on the F-75 therapeutic milk and after begin on that for several days graduated to the medika mamba program


Danilo was sent to us by a group of people from a village about 1 hour away from us.  They assist families in need.  Danielo was brought by his grandpa.  His mama has been sick since he was born and did not breastfeed him. The family was giving him sugar water and milk that was not for babies. They also gave him cookies mashed up in water.  The family asked that we care for him so that they can take the mama to the hospital near their home for help. Danielo has been gaining weight well and loves to smile and laugh. The grandpa traveled 2 hours by foot and motorcycle to arrive at the clinic.


This is Erveline’s second time for inpatient care at RHFH.  She was admitted in 2016 and recovered well and went home with her family.  She was much worse her first time and so we are thankful that her dad came earlier to the clinic with her. She has a twin sister that is never sick.  Ervelines’ parents are farmers and grow beans, corn and squash in their gardens. They family of 5 lives in a 2 room home made of clay, stones and tin.  They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet but do have an outhouse.  They get their water from a source that is a 1 hour walk from their home. She was admitted with kwashiorkor and diarrhea. They traveled 5 hours by motorcycle and foot to arrive at the clinic.


Kerlande was admitted with severe kwashiorkor( pic below after edema was gone).  She was never breast feed by her mama, who says she was sick.  She has 6 livings siblings and none that have died.  Her papa is a motorcycle taxi driver and her mama buy items in bulk and resells them for a profit.  They also have a garden where they grow beans, roots, and watermelon that they sell. The mama lives with her kids in a 3 room home made of block, cement and tin.  They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet but do have an outhouse.  They have to purchase all their drinking water and get water from an irrigation ditch for washing and other uses.  They traveled about 1 hour by motorcycle to arrive at the clinic. She was started on the F-75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.


This is his second time being admitted for inpatient care. His papa died this past year and his mom has been struggling to make ends meet. He is a very picky eater so we have to be creative in finding good foods for him. He was admitted with kwashiorkor, diarrhea, a cold and a fever. His mam traveled 5 hours by foot with him to arrive at the clinic.

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