Words From Gretchen~fall 1996

We are so behind in letter writing–it is one of my favorite undertakings, but so many other needs over ride our time. The pace is certainly different than we experience in America, nevertheless responsibilities of overseeing multiple programs along with the persistent attack of the enemy has caused us to question our call. We know we are called, but do we have what it takes to fulfill that call God has placed on our lives? Paul speaks of it in 2 Corinthians 1:8-11 “We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life…this happened that we might not rely on ourselves, but on God who raises the dead.” He has delivered us from deadly peril, and HE WILL deliver us. On Him we have set our hope that He will continue to deliver us! Then may we give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in the answer to the prayers of many. THAT IS IT!! When our strength was spent and we’ve prayed and done our best God prompts others (you) to pray for us. HALLELUJAH! We were down, but not out. Our zeal and joy have returned, our strength has returned, the enemy has fled. We thank you for your prayers, your support, letters and boxes.

Quickly, I will share a few blessings from this past month. We started our class for young teenage girls with 15 present each week. We are trying to teach them to care for themselves (hair, skin, clothes, diet, etc) a future home (cleanliness, food preparation, eating at the table) and sexual education. We have felt a bond with these girls. They need to know that someone cares for them and loves them. We also told them about Jesus and His love and open each class up scripture teaching. We enjoy working in small groups and forming relationship in the village. Praise the Lord!

Zach and Casey have drilled 2 wells this past month. One was dry and one had water. Though no water was obtained after 3 weeks (280 feet) of drilling, lessons were learned and good experience gained. Praise the Lord!

We were blessed to have a 6 member team from Indiana visit for a week. They came at a good time and were an answer to prayer. They gave 110% while here. Praise the Lord!

Casey has started his last week of high school. The week before he began we all took a day off and went to the beach to relax–a blessing for all of us-good food, warm beautiful blue water for swimming and maybe the best thing of all, an air conditioned room for a good nights sleep. Praise the Lord!

We received a huge blessing for the Mennonite missionaries next to us–over 7000 cans of enriched milk. We have been giving it out at the feeding centers, and to those at the clinic. Praise the Lord!

Small blessings this month. Rent was paid for three families. Emergency shelter for a single mom and her children. Care for an elderly lady who comes and prays frequently for us. Funds for a youth conference. Cement repair at the feeding center in Titanyen. We are not saying this to boast or brag. You need to know you are touching lives and planting seeds in God’s kingdom. Aren’t you happy to know you have made a deposit in the heavenly kingdom that will not burn as wood, hay or stubble? Only in eternity will we know the lasting results. Praise the Lord!

Think about it!

Pray that we can reach the lost and hurting.

We thank Him that you are such a blessing!!

May you feel God’s sweet presence daily!

We love you!


  1. Christopher B Sandefur says

    Thank you! Even at > 20 years ago so much love and selfless giving. Praise the LORD and thanks be to GOD who does for me what I cannot do for myself. Your work is amazing and helping so many people. Thank you for all you do!

  2. Christopher B Sandefur says

    One other thing – The story about Staff Spotlight: Walter – is amazing – what a devoted man and helping in so many ways. This hugely inspiring to me as are the other stories in the Staff Spotlights. Thank you and have a blessed day!

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