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Words from Gretchen~April 1994

Praise God! Hallelujah! It doesn’t seem possible we have been here almost 4 months. Much has happened in those four months and only by the mercy and grace of God have we made it. The same excitement and joy we experienced on first arriving in Haiti is still resting upon us. If anything, it is intensifying and we pray everyday God would fill us to overflowing with His excitement and joy. The devil is mad and we are glad. He is dumber than a sack of rocks and nothing but a hot bag of air. Jesus won the victory over him on the cross. Jesus defeated death, hell and the grave at Calvary and if we are saved by the blood of Jesus, we have that same victory through Jesus. It is time the children of God quit walking around defeated. The Spirit of God is saying “Wake up, Rise up and rejoice in the joy of your salvation.” It is time the Body of Christ comes together in one accord and unity and destroys the works of the devil. I don’t care what the devil is doing to you; it is time to rejoice because soon and very soon we are going to see the King. We are going to praise Him for all eternity: we might as well get a head start. Amen! If you have been sitting on the sidelines, I tell you in the name of Jesus, “Get back in the race.”

Jesus is coming soon and our responsibility is to tell everyone we can that Jesus loves them and if they accept Him as their personal savior, they can spend eternity with Him. Many say they believe in Jesus but that is not enough. The Bible says that even the devil believes in Jesus and trembles. You must have a personal relationship with Him. By the spirit of God I feel that many reading this letter are not right with God. Some have never accepted Jesus as their personal Savior and others have fallen away from God. Stop right now! Talk to Him like He is your closest friend. Ask Him into your heart and let Him be Lord of your life. Read the Bible and pray that God would conform you into the image of His Son Jesus.

People say they are lonely and bored. I say accept Jesus as your personal Savior and do the work of the Lord and you will never be lonely or bored again. Love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. I guarantee you He will flood you full of joy and peace.

Hallelujah! God is so good. Please keep praying for resources for our feeding programs and wisdom to administer them as the need increases.

The devil has really been fighting us on the well. We have water but are having a time getting it out of the ground. There is no way to describe all that we have been through. It is one of those things where you would have to have been there to understand. Anyways, the bottom line is that we have 100ft of 4″ PVC 109ft in a 207ft hole. We are in the process of making a fishing tool to go down 109 ft in the hole and try to grab the pipe and pull it out. Please pray that we are able to correct all of this and get the water out of the hole and to the people. Of course, in the spiritual , the greatest thing we can give them is Jesus.

Casey is returning to America and will stay with his sisters. he was very excited about seeing his friends, eating at McDonald’s and having a “real” glass of cold milk. He has adjusted very well and has made many friends here. The workers all love him and want to talk to him. He has quickly leanred the creole language and can communicate very well with the people. Everytime he goes to the village he draws a crowd of children in a few minutes. God has blessed him so much and only God knows what this is preparing him for in life. It has been a wonderful education for him and I pray it helps him to become the man of God he is called to be. Amen!

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