Can you help this breast cancer patient?

***This need is met! THANK YOU!!***

Until recently, cancer was a death sentence here in Haiti. Attempts at treatment were sketchy and rare. There is an organization bringing oncology care and treatment to Haiti. Their team is committed to kicking cancer to the curb and they are doing a mighty fine job of it. In a country where it takes most of the day just to maintain survival, they are aggressively and successfully treating hundreds with chemo and surgery. They started not long ago with women’s cancers and are now treating others (bone cancer for Esterlien). Cancer care in Haiti is an amazing feat that we only dreamed would be possible and we are so proud of all that is being accomplished through Innovating Health International.

SJ found out she had breast cancer in late 2018, just a few weeks after delivering her baby. She was able to gather the funds for her first rounds of chemo, but lacked funds for surgery and follow-up chemo. These costs total $512. She will turn 34 yrs old this month and we want to love and bless this mom. Would you consider helping this young lady get the treatment she needs to have a fighting chance at survival?

You can use the PayPal button below or send a check made out to RHFH, with “cancer care” in the memo, to RHFH, 15215 Endeavor Dr., Noblesville, IN 46060. Thank you!


  1. Pat Miller says

    I’ll send a check for $100, I’ll get it in the mail tomorrow. If more money comes in than needed use the money where it would do the most good. Thank you for the loving care you give to these precious people.

  2. Lori says

    Thank you!!!!

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