Sometimes what missionaries need most is encouragement…

We appreciate so much of what you do for us and the people we share life with and serve here in Cazale, Haiti. We are grateful for all your generosity in sacrificing your time, energy, and resources to sustain the work God entrusts to us to do here. In fact, you are the very people He uses to sustain the work here, as it would not be possible without your thoughtfulness, compassion, and genuine love for the Haitian people.

We also realize and sense your genuine love for the missionaries of RHFH as well. I wanted to tell you that often a note of encouragement comes along at just the right time to lift our spirits and reminds us the work we do is important. Your words matter to us. We trust God laid us on your hearts for a reason, and your obedience to reach out and share a little of yourself means a great deal to us. It is one of the many ways the Lord works to strengthen His body. We are strengthened by your friendship.

If the Lord ever leads you to reach out to us, I want to make sure you know how to do that!

And as a former missionary kid, don’t forget the missionary kids!

Here is the info:

Davis and Lorraine Zachary
205 7th Avenue SE
New Prague, MN 56071

Charles and Lori Moise
c/o Agape Flights PAP #13294
100 Airport Avenue
Venice, FL 34285

Enoch, Licia, Henley, Trey & Ameyah Betor
c/o Agape Flights PAP #11773
100 Airport Avenue
Venice, FL 34285

Casey, Briana, Grace, Isaiah & Gretchen Zachary
c/o Agape Flights PAP #28625
100 Airport Avenue
Venice, FL 34285

Two other missionaries here that do not use missionary flight service, but would love some encouragement as well:

Our beloved teacher Anna Newman: anna@realhopeforhaiti.org

Our awesome nurse Keverly: keverly@realhopeforhaiti.org

We look forward to hearing from you!


  1. Susan McAnelly says

    Something I have never thought of, not that I don’t think about you guys often. Need to express to you more often how grateful I am to you for all you do❤️

  2. Nancy DILLON says

    Heart Gifts by Helen Steiner Rice

    It’s not the things that can be bought
    that are life’s riches treasure,
    It’s just the little “heart gifts”
    that money cannot measure…
    A cheerful smile, a friendly word,
    A sympathetic nod
    Are priceless little treasures
    From the storehouse of our God…
    They are the things that can’t be bought
    with silver or with gold,
    For thoughtfulness and kindness
    and love are never sold…
    They are the priceless things in life
    for which no one can pay,
    And the giver finds rich recompense
    In giving them away.

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