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Will you Sponsor Robensky or Charlens?

RHFH loves family and does everything possible to keep families together. Our foster care program originated out of necessity in 2013 because several children living in the rescue center had been abandoned or were not able to return to their homes after recovering from disease and malnutrition.   The reasons why they could not return to their homes varied, but bottom line, the children were not safe in those homes.

Our foster parents provide home, safety, love, and family – all priceless.

We have 16 children currently in foster homes, and 3 who are awaiting placement at this time.  

We are in need of sponsors for a few of these children and would like to introduce you to them. We wonder if the Lord might place one of them on your heart to sponsor. 


Robensky is full of smiles and when you are with him, you can’t help smiling too. Robensky has so much energy, he is always on the move keeping his foster mother busy! She loves him very much, and it is sweet to see them interact. Robensky has been with RHFH since July, 2016. He has been in his current foster home since August 2017.


Charlens is a shy, quiet child who is sweet and likes to play with his friends. Charlens has been with RHFH since November 2014. He recently moved into a new foster home, and that home has been such a good fit for him! Charlens lives with his foster mother and 7 other children. He is the youngest in the family.

Robensky is in need of a full sponsorship: $125 monthly. Charlens is in need of a partial sponsorship of $95 monthly. This sponsorship provides for the foster family to purchase food, clothing, and other essential items to their foster child.

Sponsors receive updates on their sponsor children at least every other month.

If you are able to sponsor either of these children, or would like more information please write to:

“He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing.” Deuteronomy 10:18

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