God is still moving, even if the traffic is not…

When tensions rise here in Haiti, people often react by blocking roads with burning tires and barricades. That has been happening for several weeks now. It is increasingly a challenge to secure the medications and supplies we need to support our programs; however, our hearts are grateful to report thus far there has been no disruption to the services we provide. God remains exceedingly good and gracious to us in that regard. For instance, one day, a few weeks ago we ran out of insulin at the clinic. The roads were not safe to travel to Port au Prince to purchase medicines as we typically do. We called one of our nurses that lives in another town. She was able to buy 9 bottles and bring with her to work the following day. Praise the Lord for His Provision.

This week has been particularly intense, with the protests seeming to intensify. The people of Haiti continue to need our prayers, for the current political impasse, for the economic turmoil resulting from destroyed businesses and inability to transport goods throughout the country. Yet, in the midst of the chaos and confusion, there are sweet reminders that God is still alive and working and reaching the hearts of people here.

This month we invited a new chaplain to work alongside us here at Real Hope for Haiti. Please pray for him as he begins working with us to help us shine the light of Christ even brighter in Cazale. In talking with him at the end of the day yesterday, his heart was full of joy because a patient in the clinic had trusted in Christ during the teaching. Each group of patients that comes into the clinic yard is exposed to health education to strengthen their bodies and spiritual education to strengthen their spirit. We are thankful that the Gospel that was proclaimed yesterday penetrated this person’s heart, the Spirit of God led them to repentance, and they were filled with faith.

It served as a wonderful reminder to us of the purpose of Real Hope for Haiti. It proved to be an encouragement to our hearts that, while the situation in Haiti is heart-breaking, God is still doing wonderful and beautiful things in individual hearts. We also trust He is able to restore families, communities, and nations as well. That is why we will stay and persevere and endure whatever tomorrow may bring in service to God and to Haitian people who bear His image. We are grateful for your prayers and support each step of the way.


  1. Eric Jansson says

    Stay safe!…Great to hear a Chaplin is in the mix!

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