Hope Family Spotlight ~ Charlens

Charlens was abandoned on the clinic porch in June 2014. He was left with a bag of clothing and nothing else. There was a lady that brought him to the clinic. She told the person sitting next to her that she was going to get him some water and never returned. He was severely malnourished and was unable to walk. He would cry in pain when anyone would touch him or if he has to put any weight on his legs. The local authorities gave us permission to admit him in our inpatient care facility. We moved him in with his hope family 6 months later. His mom worked with him each day to move his legs and slowly he was able to stand and then begin to walk on his own.

His mom buys items in bulk and resells them; his dad is a farmer and grows beans and bananas in his gardens. He likes where he lives and his family. He helps his mom by carrying water to the house and washing dishes. He is currently in the 2nd grade and enjoys school. His favorite subject is health. Charlens likes to play with his friends after school and on the weekends.   He enjoys playing marbles and soccer.  He likes to go to church and sing songs.  He also enjoys watching videos on people phones.  His favorite color is blue.  When he grows up, he wants to be a doctor.  His favorite food is chicken and he also likes watermelon. 

Will you pray for Charlens? Pray that he will continue to get good grades in school and understand each subject well. Also pray for his family that they have a good planting season and produce a good harvest for the family.


  1. Tena says

    He looks amazing. I remember his kittle baby self. So thankful he isndoing well!

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