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Throwback Thursday: Land

RHFH currently rents most of the buildings that we use. In 2009, we purchased a large piece of land above the village of Cazale and we started to dream about beginning to develop this land to move our current services to one location. We have added a few small pieces of land to the main piece over the years. The government built a dirt road through the mountains to give more access and an easier way to travel. The road ended up going straight through our land.

We had major flooding in 2007 and 2008 in our village. In 2010, the earthquake hit and then, in the fall, cholera. Those we some crazy years for us in just keep our heads above water. We put our plans on hold to build a place to house all the cholera patients. As that began to settle down, then our dad become ill. He had to leave Haiti and our brother and his family moved to here. There was a time of change for several years. We have not forgot about the land and in the coming months we are going to begin sharing with you about how you can help in developing the land to meet the needs of those we serve. We want to tell you our dreams for the facilities we would like to have for the community here. Please pray for direction, decisions, open doors, and good connections with builders. Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities.

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