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Words from Gretchen- Jan 2000

We pray God has many special blessings planned for you this year. This month begins our 7th year here, the year of Jubilee. We are expecting great victories and thanking God for all He will allow us to accomplish in His name. Since our last newsletter we have moved to a new clinic location. We were working out of a government clinic for almost 2 years. Now we are renting a building which is more secure and suitable for our needs. We are excited and pleased with the facilities. The old place served us well and allowed us to make friends and the trust of the people in well over 150 villages. We felt like we moved from a place of darkness and oppression to one covered by God’s peace. We leave home at 630 Tuesday am and stay in Cazale Tues and Wed nights allowing us to extend our hours. We return home Thursday around 5 or 6 tired but so blessed.

There is no way to describe all God has done for us these last few months. We have a fresh revelation of how God can open an door and how He does fight our battles for us. He simply asks us to trust and obey and love those He sends into our path.

Patients are walking 6, 8, 10 hours to receive medicine and treatment for wounds, burns, and all types of illness. This gives you a idea of the lack of medical care available. People come on mules, stretchers, wheelbarrows and beds. Some. hardly able to stand, walking hours with cane and staffs to help navigate the steep mountain paths.

It has always been our prayer, since God touched our lives, to be on the front lines- in the trenches so to speak. The ministry God has given us is unique and not for the timid or weak of heart. We praise Him daily for our assignment and the grace to carry it through. God has touched many hearts to join with us in trying to reach the lost and hurting. We are so thankful for each of you. The help and encouragement you have given us along the wat is precious to us and to the Haitian people we minister to daily. God has chosen us all to complete a special work. The needs here in this third world country at present are endless. We live in a third world country, but we serve a mightily, loving and merciful first class God. Hallelujah! We ask you continue to join with us. Pray for us, the people and the country. Put on your spiritual creative hat and seek God for your part in the work here.

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