How can you help with “Planting Hope” in Cazale?

Our Great God brought us to Haiti 27 years ago. Many of you helped launch us then. Others of you found us after the 2010 earthquake or during the cholera epidemic. The rest of you found us by the Lord crossing our paths at some point along the way. Infinite in wisdom and Perfect in timing, the Lord weaves everything together in ways that make Him worth trusting. Providence brought us to Cazale. Providence connected you to RHFH. God continues to use us together to make an impact. We believe He created you and us for such a time as this.

All of us at Real Hope for Haiti are maximum-level-thrilled to announce the first phase of developing the land purchased in 2009. “Planting Hope” is the name of this first phase because we are sinking physical roots into the community.

Learn more about who we are and where we are going by watching this 6 minute video that explains “Planting Hope.”

Why This Project?

Cazale is home, and the people of Cazale are the people with whom God connected us to share life. Our parents poured their lives out as a drink offering to the Lord here. God saw fit to call us to do the same. We believe this work is too important to end with our generation. We are convinced that God intends to touch, heal, and save many more in Cazale. As God provides and brings “Planting Hope” to fruition, it ensures RHFH becomes a permanent fixture in Cazale. We believe it prepares RHFH to be rooted and established and ready for the future God intends for this ministry.

Here is the season in which we find ourselves. We are thankful to report cholera no longer poses a threat to our community. That program closed as a success towards the end of last year. As we explain in the video, that leaves the massive structure we own not presently being used. Conversely, our Clinic and Rescue Center programs squeeze themselves into two small four room houses, rented since 1998. This is neither ideal for the volume of patients we treat nor the type of communicable diseases we fight.

The vision for “Planting Hope” is to repurpose our former Cholera Treatment Center to temporarily house the Clinic and the Rescue Center. This move provides us 6 times our current square footage space that will allow us to function and flourish better than ever. This first phase also includes two staff houses and a storage depot/work shop on the new land. Infrastructure requires significant investment as well, including water, solar power, electricity, and fencing. All of this would serve to support our programs and services in the new space.

Why Now?

A year ago, after a third dry water well, I wrote of discouragement but not defeat. I asked you to pray for us, that God would grant us wisdom, guidance, and faith as we pursued this dream. Our discouragement turned to delight as God moved mightily. He connected us with several people that possess the experience and expertise we lack. It fills us with faith and convinces us of the Lord’s timing considering how God brought these people to RHFH.

We now have a civil engineer in the USA, who primarily works with city water projects, helping us plan cisterns and pumping stations. In addition, there is a missionary friend with extensive building experience in Haiti that is willing to act as contractor for the two staff houses. Also, there is a Haitian entrepreneur that designs structures by repurposing shipping containers. He presented a unique design proposal to us for a storage depot/work shop garage that we wish to pursue. Repurposing and redesigning the CTC to become the Clinic/RC requires remodeling and repairs. All of this work will also provide jobs to many local people here in our community.

We believe the people we serve, our Haitian staff, and the Kingdom of God are worth the investment. We believe the time has come and the moment is now.

How Can You Help With “Planting Hope?”

God supplied us with the land and with builders, and He also provided us with a large portion of the money needed for “Planting Hope.” Altogether, we project it will cost $389,000 to complete this first phase of building and relocating our programs and services.

We appealed to multiple supporters who generously gave towards a matching fund that will double your donation. We are grateful the Lord blessed these people and motivated them to be a blessing and create a pledged matching fund of $236,638! Thank you matching fund team! That is well over half of the $389,000 we project is needed to complete phase one. This means any money raised over and above the final amount will be reserved for the next phase of building.

You can help us make this dream a reality by praying, giving, and sharing this vision with others. The matching fund is awesome because it doubles your donation and doubles your impact.

This is a huge dream and a huge ask. “Planting Hope” is an opportunity to make a huge impact.

Here’s some of the ways your contribution will lend a hand in construction:
$20 will purchase 25 cinder blocks
$100 will buy 16 bags of cement
$250 will provide 1 solar panel

The matching fund will double those totals!

If you are able to help us bridge the gap, you can contribute to “Planting Hope” online. If you prefer, you can make a note in the memo line and mail a check (or send via online bill pay) to:

Real Hope for Haiti
15215 Endeavor Drive
Noblesville, IN 46060

Again, don’t forget to follow our progress in the weeks and months to come. Don’t forget to check out the video and get excited about this season in RHFH’s growth. Our target date to relocate is January of 2022. We love and appreciate you, and we feel loved by you.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration and continued support. God is still alive, moving, and working in this world!

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