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Physical Therapy Please!

Jalot is a 12 year old boy who came to clinic in September 2019 with a wound on his left foot. He had a club foot and often walked on the side of his foot/ hopped on his good leg. The foot wound appeared chronic and required daily wound care for a long time. So Jalot has lived at Real Hope for Haiti ever since. The wound on his foot eventually healed. He then received surgery for his club foot- thank you to all who helped with the surgery! Unfortunately, he still was unable to walk after surgery. He never walked normally prior to corrective surgery, so therefore never used the muscles in his left leg as one typically does to walk. He kept his left leg flexed at the knee and the tendons behind his knee were very tight and he could not relax them. This resulted in another surgery to release the tendon. Since then, he has worked diligently to learn how to walk normally, but thus far has not succeeded. He needs intensive physical therapy, ideally supervised by a physical therapist. So, if you are a physical therapist will you prayerfully consider coming to Cazale (when the country allows for safe travel) and working with Jalot and our staff to create a therapy regimen. And if you are not a physical therapist, please pray for this young man that we will be able to find him the help he needs! Thank you.

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