Funds for Intensive care tent

9 people gave to this need and met the goal of $1800.  We are so thankful to each of you for your prayers and donations to these most deserving kids.  God will bless you in a special way!  I am sure of it!  We will still be accepting funds for this need as we plan to continue to keep the tent open as long as we need.  We are not worried, we know that God will continue to provide.


  1. Debbie Woodward says


    The tent has been critical. I remember how many kids were in it in November as you seperated the really sick children. It is nice to have that quieter place for children who are sick to be able to heal.

    You are right that Claudette would never be able to make it in the Rescue Center with all the active kids who are getting so healthy again.

    Blessings to all of you and the wonderful nannies who love on these children 24/7.

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