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Villagers View~Fond Blanc

Calensky was in the inpatient and outpatient medika mamba program when he was younger. Above is his before and after pictures. He continues to follow in the clinic each month with his aunt.

My nephew has been living with me for about 1 year now. Before this he was living with his father, who is blind. His mother died when he was a baby. His dad tried to care for him but it was to difficult for him and Calensky became sick and lost a lot of weight. Everyone decided that I needed to help raise him. He has not started school yet but should start in the fall.

We live in a 4 room home with a porch in Fond Blanc. The house is made of rocks and cement, it has a tin roof. There are 8 of us that live at the house. I work in the gardens and grow crops to provide for my family. I also cook, clean and wash for everyone. In my free time I have cook food in the evening for people to buy of the street. I really enjoy doing this and get to see many people and talk to them during the evening hours. There are also a lot of beautiful gardens growing crops in our area. I like it when things are green and growing.

We have three schools in are area that the children attend. There are also four churches. There are three vodou temples in the area. We also have a public water piped system than runs through the village. This is a blessing to everyone.

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