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Villagers View~Gran Fond

I have 6 children and live in the Gran Fond. My home is 2 rooms. It is made of tin for the roof and some of the wall are also tin. When I have money I work on the walls of the house to make walls with rocks and clay. I have sent all my kids to school, all of them went and learned to read and write. Now I just have one that is still in school.

To provide for my family I braid things. I make baskets to carry things in, sacks that go on the motocycles to carry items, mats for people to sit and sleep on. This helps me to buy food for my family, make repairs on my home, and take care of some other small needs I have. There is not a lot of things to do for fun here. When I have free time I spend time with my kids. We like to sit together and talk. In our area there are many schools. Almost every church has a school that they run inside the church during the week. There is also a national school and a few other small ones. There are many different churches in our area as well. There are 2 vodou temples. I like living in Gran Fond and think it is a good area to raise my children.

There is one story that I will never forget was in the year of 1969. I was a child then. There was a massacre in Cazale. The people of Cazale suffer a lot during that time, it was worse than the earthquake. There was a lot of people that died. They killed people, buried then alive, raped the woman and stole from others. We were scared for many years after that and will never forget those that died. I will never forget that time in my life. You can read more about the Massacre in Cazale here and here

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