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Peace that surpasses all understanding

Haiti has been plagued with kidnappings for a number of months now. The great majority of people who have been kidnapped have been Haitians who live in Port au Prince, and the kidnappers demand a ransom. This is very unsettling for the population as you can imagine. There have been many protests/ manifestations by citizens asking the government to step in and make an increased effort to stop the kidnapping.

A number of Haitian physicians have been kidnapped. Some were returned to safety, but unfortunately, others have died. In protest of their doctors being kidnapped, hospitals have closed, typically for a short time, but these closures make it increasingly difficult to provide quality care for our patients. Does the hospital offer any services while it is closed? Are patients who are currently hospitalized asked to leave? There is much uncertainty in this season of providing healthcare in Haiti.

Please pray for Haiti that kidnappings stop. Pray the Haitian government would have the wisdom and resources to protect its people. Pray the Haitian people would be filled with the peace of God during this tumultuous time. Pray for us to find open doors and clear connections to transfer critical patients to larger regional medical facilities.

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