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She was brought to the clinic by her grandmother. She is 13 months old and weights 8.1kg. Her weight for height is 2 standard deviations below the average for Haitian children. The family lives in a 3 room home made of cinder block, cement and is covered with a tin roof. They get their water from the river and purchase it from a local vendor. She was started on the F75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.


He is 7 months old and weighs 5.1kg. His mom died 1 month before he was admitted to the Rescue Center. Blankito lives with his grandma in a 3 room home made of clay, rocks and covered with a tin roof. There are 15 people that live in the home. They do not have running water at the home or a flush toliet, not even an outhouse. They get their water from a public piped water system that is about a 20 minute walk from where they live. His grandma traveled 5 hours by foot and motorcycle to arrive at the clinic. Blankito began showing signs of kwashiorkor about 1 week before coming to the clinic. He also had a cold/cough and fever. His weight for height is 2 standard deviations below the average for Haitian children. He was started on the F-75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.


He is 12 months old and weighs 6.5kg. His weight for height is 3 standard deviations below the average for Haitian children. He was admitted with kwashiorkor with edema in his legs and feet. He also had fever for 15 days. When he was 1 month old his caregiver was his grandma. She cared for him for 11 months and then his mother came and got him. SInce that time he has been losing weight and declining. He lives with his mom in a 3 room home made of cinder block, cement and covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet but do have an outhouse. They get their water from a piped water system that is about a 15 walk from their home. He was started on the F-75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.

Jhon Peter

Jhon Peter was brought to the clinic by his mother. He began showing signs of kwashiorkor about 1 month before he came to the clinic. He also had diarrhea for 3 days and vomiting for 4 days. He has a brother and sister at home. They live in a 1 room home made of cinder block and covered with a tin roof.  They get their water for washing from an irrigation ditch and their drinking water is purchased from a vendor.

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