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Throwback Thursday~Anika

Anika and her mom came to RHFH after being discharged from the Comfort Ship after the earthquake in 2010. Their home was destroyed and they were trapped in the rubble for several days. Anika lost her right arm due to injuries from being trapped. She was just a baby. They stayed with us during their recovery and then we were able to help build a home in a new location for them.

Over the past 11 years we have continue to maintain a relationship with them. They come a visit a few times a year and we keep in touch by phone as well. Anika has done well and loves school. She has been in classes since she was 4 years old. We are thankful to those of you that gave funds after the earthquake for this family and other like them. God has woven our lives together to have a lifelong friendship with this beautiful family.

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