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New admits


He was brought to the clinic by his mother. He is 17 month old and weighs 13 pounds. His dad died when he was a few months old. Since that time he has been living with his mom and grandparents. They live in a 2 room home made of cinder blocks and cement, it is covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home but do have a flush toliet. They get their water from a local vendor that is near there home. His mom stopped breast feeding him about 2 months ago because he had sores all over his body and people were telling her it was her milk that was bad and it was making him sick. Since that time he has been losing weight and not eating well. Last week his mom began to see that he has edema in his feet (this can be the beginning signs of kwashiorkor). Her family encouraged her to bring him to the clinic for care. He was started on the F75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba.


She was on her way to the market on a motorcycle to sell items Her hand got stuck in a rope and the rope got stuck in the wheel of the motorcycle,and she ended up losing three of her fingers. She stayed with us during her recovery time so that she could get daily dressing changes and receive good nutrition.


He was brought to the clinic by his mother. He is 4 1/2 years old and weighs 13 1/2 pounds. He lives in a 2 room home made of clay and rocks and is covered with a tin roof. He has 5 brothers and 0 sisters. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet but do have an outhouse. Both of the parents are farmers and grow beans, corn and grains in their garden. They get their water from a source that is about 2 hour from their home. Dieunel has been unable to walk or stand for many months. He is very weak and sick, and does not have much of a appetite to eat. His hair has turned brittle and is falling out. He was started on the F75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba. He also began receiving daily dressing changes for the wounds on his legs.


He was brought to the clinic by his father. His mom is sick at home. He is 13 months old and weighs 11 pounds. Kervenson has 3 sisters and 4 brothers. There is one sibling that died of kwashiorkor. The family lives in a 3 room home made of rock and clay and is covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet, but do have an outhouse. They get their water from a river that is about a 1 hour walk from their home. Kervenson has had edema for 1 month now due to kwashiorkor, this is the third time he has had kwashiorkor. He also has a fever, cold and some skin issues. He was started on the F75 therauptic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.


She is 26 months old and weighs 14 pounds. She lives with her mom and sister in a 1 room home made of brick and covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet, but do have an outhouse. They get their water in the irrigation ditch for most things and purchase their drinking water from a local vendor. She has been coming to the clinic since she was a newborn. Her family does not follow up with her well for appointments and so she has been in outpatient programs twice and not completed the treatment. She remained malnourished and kept declining in her weight each month. When admitted she had edema in her feet and legs, which is most likely the beginning signs of kwashiorkor. She was started on the F75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program

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