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Throwback Thursday-Deny

Deny was brought the the clinic in 2004 by his mama. He was very sick and at that time we wanted him to go get some testing done before we agreed to admit him for inpatient care. They had traveled a long way to get to the clinic. It was overwhelming for the mama. It was on the last clinic day of the week. We ask them to get the testing done and return the following week. His mama began the journey back to their home and along the way abandoned him on a dirt path. It was a well traveled path and he was found that evening. The village all wondered who he was. A staff member that lived in the village saw him and remember that he had come to the clinic. She contacted the local authorities and then brought him back to the clinic the following week to receive care while we search for his family.

His extended family was located and it was decided he needed to stay for inpatient care. He was very ill with TB and it took him about 6 months to recover. His family situation was difficult and there was not a easy solution. He began school but had a terrible time the first few years. He failed and could not seem to learn much. The school did not want him to continue. We hired a tutor for him. The tutored worked with him for several month with not much progress. Then one day something clicked. He began to get it and was able to begin reading and learning. Since that time he has been top in his class and passed each grade. This year is his last year of school.

For several years Deny also lived with Patrick one of our friends that was wheelchair bond for many years. They were great friends and helped each other out until Patrick died a few years ago. We are happy that God sent Deny into our lives so many years ago and are looking forward to seeing where God will take him in the future. To God be all the Glory!

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