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Villagers View~Dechapelle, Cabaret

My name is Lesly. I live in the town of Dechapelle, near Cabaret. I was born in the South. I do not have any children. My parents are dead but I have a 2 sister and 1 brother that is alive. I live in a 2 room home made of brick and covered with a tin roof. I live with my sister, who lives in one room and I live in the other. There are 23 school in the town that I live in. There are to many churches for me to count. My mother was everything to me. She raised me and took care of me. She loved me alot. She become sick and went to many hospitals. She was sick in her breast. Everyplace told her there was nothing wrong with her or there was nothing they could do. After a few years she died. I have been very sad since that time. I miss her alot and wish someone would have helped her or told us what was wrong with her.

I was born with a disability. It is hard for me to walk and I have a lot of pain. I go to the clinic and receive medications and food each month. This is a big help to me and my sister. I also sell prepaid minutes for cell phones in my area. This gives me something to do each day and provides some income for the home. I enjoy doing this and meeting new people. For those that live near me, we get our water from 2 places. From the irrigation ditch that is near our home, we use this water for cleaning, washing and taking a bath. The water we use for cooking and drinking we have to buy from a vendor near our home. I really enjoy the area that I live in because all the neighbors live together well. We help each other and there is no fighting it is very peaceful.

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