Throw back Thursday~Jn Edward

Jn Edward first came to the clinic in 2005 he was malnourished at that time and we wanted to try outpatient care. He did not return for his appointments. In 2008 he return and was worse shape and needed to stay for inpatient care. He had been living with his dad for some time and his dad left him at home for several weeks by himself. He did not have neighbors near him an no one knew he was alone. They found his dad living in the brush area and he was not in his right mind. His mom was called and she brought him to the clinic. He stayed for inpatient care for 3 months and gained 7 pounds. Here he is in 2008.

The next time we saw Jn Edward was in 2012. From 2008 to 2012 he had only gained 1 pound and he had edema from kwashiorkor. His situation at home was worse and he did not have anyone caring for him. He was taking care of himself and his dad. He also began treatment for tuberculosis. He was very sick and told us many times that he was going to die.

It took him over a year to recover. His dad could not be found and his mother said she did not want to care for him. One of our staff members went and met with his mom and offered to care for him. He lived with her and her family until last year when he turned 20. He decided to move in with a cousin that was living in the area. Since 2012 RHFH has been providing for him to attend school here in Cazale. Jn Edward enjoys school and has 3 years left before he will graduate from high school.

From Jn Edward: I wanted to say thank you to everyone that help me and prayed for me. It is God that had given me life and not death. I was so sick and I felt like I was going to die. But by the grace of God I was able to get better. I want to thank the clinic for helping me then and continuing to support me all these years. I pray that they will be here many years to help others like me.


  1. Ezena Jean Amos says

    You guys are doing an exceptional things in Haiti through the Haitian youth. Yes, God is really taking pleasure from what you are doing. Keep going. Haiti needs you. I was part in a mission also, raised me. And helped me with everything and now I can say my life changed with the Lord. I hope that Gos gives me some opportunity in the future to pass what I have received to some vulnerable people.

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